Lindale ISD Transportation DepartmentÂ
Pete Ridge, Director of Transportation
Email -
Phone # 903-881-4110
Fax # 903-881-4111
Office Hours: 5:00 am - 5:00 pm
Summer Office Hours: 5:00 am - 4:00 pm
(Closed on Fridays)
Check out this great story written by the students in the Eagle Eye Newspaper Program about our new bus and our new communications system.
Check out another great story KLTV did on our Lindale ISD transportation department.
"KLTV had a chance to go on a ride along in Lindale, and crunch the numbers on everything from the number of tires to gallons of gas to how many miles they're driving around the district."
Click the link below to see the full story:

BUS RIDER GUIDELINES 2024-25 (Printable Copy)
Waiting on the Bus to Arrive
Students need to be at the bus stop when the bus arrives. To assure your child does not miss the bus, your student should be at the bus stop 5 minutes before the scheduled pick-up time. Failing to be on time or delaying the bus may result in loss of bus privileges.
Stand on the sidewalk or back from the roadway, approximately 15ft, while waiting for the bus.
Stand clear of the bus until it comes to a complete stop.
When the bus approaches, prepare to load immediately.
If your student misses his/her bus stop, they will not be allowed to get on at another stop.
Do not attempt to run and catch up to the bus if you missed it – This is very dangerous!
Boarding the Bus
Students must board the bus from the school they attend.
Quickly board the bus in an orderly manner and be seated immediately.
Do not push, shove or crowd in any way.
Use the handrail and steps.
Conduct on the Bus
The school bus is an extension of the classroom; students are required to follow the policies and procedures outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.
Respect and obey the bus driver, monitor or other school personnel at all times.
Use classroom voices and never yell inside or to others outside the bus.
Aisles are to be kept clear at all times.
Face forward and remain seated while the bus is in operation. Students must sit with their backs against the back rest. Leaning towards the window or aisle is not allowed.
Respect other passengers by keeping hands and feet to yourself at all times.
Hands, head, arms, etc. are never allowed outside of the bus windows.
Do not damage or vandalize the bus or the property of others. You will be responsible for paying for any or all damages.
Students may not throw any object, including trash or paper, from either inside or outside of the bus. Please place all trash into the trash can provided.
Eating and drinking on the bus is prohibited. Students may bring water.
GUM CHEWING is not allowed on the bus.
Departing the Bus
Stay seated until the bus is completely stopped.
Do not push, shove or crowd in any way.
Use handrail and steps.
After exiting the bus, walk away; do not stand next to or walk toward the bus.
If any article drops or rolls near or under the bus, do not go after it!
Crossing the Street
Students are expected to cross the street in front of the bus - NEVER cross in the back of the bus.
Students are expected to look at the driver and check both directions before crossing the street.
Jr. High Shuttle Information
All students needing transportation to and from the Jr. High school will be required to participate in a bus transfer system that shuttles students from (AM) and (PM) to the EJ Moss – West campus. The transfer system is time sensitive and will require students to get on their assigned shuttle bus.
Any student that fails to catch the shuttle bus from the junior high campus will not be provided district transportation home and will need to contact parents or other means for an alternative way home.
Student Ridership
Students are only allowed to ride to/from their residence (NOT a family friend that is a babysitter, aunt/uncle, etc.). LISD Transportation WILL NOT pick up/drop off at businesses and/or parent/guardian’s work place. Once a student boards a bus, they will be required to ride the bus to their residence.
Riding with Friends
Due to the increase in student ridership, students are NOT allowed to ride to or from school with friends. Only students who are eligible to ride that bus will be allowed to ride.
Band Instruments, Athletic Equipment and Personal Belongings
All personal belongings such as backpacks, athletic equipment, books, class projects or musical instruments MUST be able to be held in student’s lap or under the seat. Items MUST be kept from the aisles and below seat tops. Due to interfering with the driver’s ability to see out of the back window, balloons are NOT allowed on the bus at any time. The only accepted band instruments are: Flute, Cornet, Clarinet, Trombone, Alto Saxophone.
Electronic Devices
Students may bring electronic devices on the bus. Students MUST wear headphones/ear buds if they listen to music, watch movies/videos, playing a game, etc. Absolutely, no pictures or videos may be taken on the bus!
Bus Route Changes
Due to growth in Lindale, routes may change throughout the school year. We understand consistency is important however, we cannot predict the number of new bus riders coming into the district. Please keep in mind that we try to make all routes the safest and the most efficient for your student and the driver. Please be patient with the driver and transportation department should any changes occur, as we have to adjust to the changes also.
Student safety is our main concern; therefore, students are expected to listen and follow the bus driver’s and/or bus monitor’s instructions. Students choosing not to follow their responsibilities as an LISD bus rider will be subjected to the following:
Violations will be classified as:
1. Infractions - The following are examples of a few infractions, including but not limited to
A. Standing, moving or not sitting properly while bus is in progress.
(State law mandates that all students remain seated while the bus is moving.)
B. Eating or drinking on the bus (Gum is not allowed on the bus).
C. Discarding or leaving trash on the bus.
D. Loud talking or screaming.
E. Placing a body part (hand, arm, head, etc.) on the outside of the bus.
F. Failure to load or unload in an orderly, safe, and timely manner.
Consequences for breaking an infraction are as follows:
LEVEL I – 1st written discipline report
Phone call to parent/guardian about student’s behavior from driver/monitor.(5-Day Suspension on Next Write up)
Students who refuse to correct behavior or are disrespectful may be subject to immediate suspension on a Level I infraction.
LEVEL II –2nd written discipline report
Phone call to parent/guardian about student’s behavior.
Loss of bus riding privilege for 5 school days.
LEVEL III – 3rd written discipline report
Phone call to parent/guardian about student’s behavior.
Loss of bus riding privilege for 10 days.
LEVEL IV – 4th written discipline report
Phone call to parent/guardian about student’s behavior.
Loss of bus riding privilege for 15 days.
LEVEL V - 5th written discipline report
Phone call to parent/guardian about student’s behavior.
Loss of bus riding privilege for the remainder of the school year.
The consequence for the (1st) Serious Offense is the immediate removal of the bus rider from riding any LISD bus for 10 days. Consequence for the (2nd) is immediate removal of the bus rider from riding any LISD bus for 20 days or for the remainder of the semester and the (3rd) will result in the bus rider being removed from any LISD bus for at least the remainder of the school year.
Any serious offense violation may be referred to the LISD Campus Principals and/or School Resource/Police Officers for review.
The following examples are not all inclusive:
Vandalism of school property or the property of others. (EX: Writing on the seat, poking holes in the seat, etc.)
Use of racial, vulgar or use of obscene language and gestures. (Any and all cusswords are obscene)
Any reckless action that could cause harm to the normal operation of the bus.
Any use of or possession of tobacco and/or any form of vapes.
Unauthorized opening or exiting through emergency exits.
Refusing to follow driver instructions or not sitting in assigned seat. (EX: Being asked to move seats and refusing, et.)
Bully behavior or torment of others.
Throwing anything on the bus or out of the bus.
Spitting on the bus, out the windows, “gleeking” or emitting saliva on others.
Laser pointers are never to be used on the bus or while waiting for or exiting the bus.
Any and all inappropriate contact will not be allowed. Any form of sexual harassment will not be allowed.
If the bus is equipped with seatbelts they must be worn at all times per District policy.
The consequence for the first (1st) Major Offense is the immediate removal of the bus rider from riding any LISD bus for at least the remainder of the semester, second (2nd) offense is the immediate removal of the bus rider from riding any LISD bus for at least the remainder of the school year, and other disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by the school administration.
All Major offense violations will be referred to the LISD Constables for review.
Some Major Offense violations as determined by administration will result in the permanent suspension of all bus riding privileges for the remainder of the student’s time in the district.
The following examples are not all inclusive.
A. Possession or use of a firearm, knife, or other weapon on a bus;
B. Possession or use of alcohol, illegal drug or drug paraphernalia on the bus
C. Hitting or threatening a bus driver and/or bus monitor
Special Instructions for circumstances pertaining to: Discipline and On Board Bus Video
A. If a bus rider is removed from the bus for the remainder of the first semester, and he/she receives another written referral, the student will be suspended from riding the bus for at least the remainder of the current school year.
B. Students vandalizing the school bus will be subject to the disciplinary action listed as well as paying the actual cost needed to repair the vandalism.
C. Students having lost their riding privilege for discipline on one bus may not ride any other LISD bus, including tutorial buses. Students caught riding any bus during suspension will be removed for an additional 10 days.
D. Parents and/or legal guardians of bus riders should note that drivers are instructed not to hold conferences or try to solve discipline problems while the bus is in operation on the route. Parents having questions should call the transportation office.
E. Most of our buses are equipped with video monitoring equipment. Drivers and transportation personnel periodically monitor actions of the riders by the use of this video equipment. The Transportation Department may or may not inform drivers, students, or parents when video cameras are installed on buses and/or when the video is being reviewed. Students may be written a discipline report after video is reviewed. A notation, such as: "As seen on video" will be used to indicate that the offense was captured on film.
F. If a Junior High Student rides a shuttle bus, then they must be taken all the way to their residence.
G. Seating arrangements on buses are to be made by the bus driver and/or monitor. Students do not have the option to choose their seat if an assigned seat has been designated. Students who refuse to sit in their assigned seat will be suspended from the bus 10 days for 1st offense. This includes the Driver/Monitor asking the student to change seats for any reason.
H. LISD will make every effort to operate the bus fleet in a timely manner. Drivers take pride in being "on time" when loading and unloading bus riders at their homes. Events such as traffic, discipline problems, weather, etc., will vary the time of arrival and departure and cannot be avoided by the driver. LISD drivers are trained during their certification courses to operate a bus safely. If unsafe conditions exist, then the driver will stop the bus and will not continue the route until a safe environment has been restored.